COVID-19 ワクチン接種体験記 デシュパンデ ゴータム・45歳


COVID-19 ワクチン接種体験記 デシュパンデ ゴータム・45歳

これから接種する皆さんへメッセージ Please get the shot if you are healthy enough and able to. New things are scary, but COVID19 disease is more scary. To achieve herd immunity, we need about 70% or more people to receive the vaccine. If we work together to achieve this, we can also help protect people who cannot receive the vaccine due to underlying health conditions. Let`s do our part to keep everyone safe!
ワクチン接種の種類(名称)・回数・日時などの情報 Moderna, dose #1
ワクチン接種による副反応や日常生活・仕事への影響 I felt great for the first 8 hours and even cycled around in Tokyo. ~10 hours after shot, I felt some body aches in lower back and legs. The following 6 hours, I had more body aches, resolving after 500mg of acetaminophen. 24 hours after the shot, I still had dull headache and fatigue, but all symptoms resolved by 36 hours after the shot.
名前(イニシャルでも可)・年齢 デシュパンデ ゴータム・45歳
滞在国・都市 東京、日本
ご職業 医師
